Monday, July 16, 2007

Lightning strikes!

We found a few large fish on Meynell Lake dead the other day. The Enviroment agency declared that there was no pollution so we were at a loss to explain them, especially as they seem to be all large fish! and of course there had been a lot of rain. We thought it might be run off from farmers fields! However on making a few enquiries I found an old timer who remembers the result of a lightning strike on a lake. Result....large fish dead. I found this on the Internet explaining it:
"A very unique type of fish kill is caused by a lightning strike on water. Death occurs immediately. Large fish, which draw more electricity than small fish, may be killed selectively."

So it seems that we've been the victim of a rare occurance, the fish get killed by the shockwave if they're in the immediate vicinity.

Take care in lightning storms, don't you be the next one we find in the lake!

Now click on and read the Comments below!


Anonymous said...
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Bob Bent-Fossey said...

If Anonymous would like to contact Bob he'll explain why these allegations aren't true. Incidentally click on the link below the lightning strike picture and read that!
Maybe he could sign his next comment!

Anonymous said...

I LOST £1500 worth of fish thru alightning strike 2 years ago my water took adirect hit during athunder storm,2 anglers were injured
it was reporte in the local press but the EA wouldent make any comment,glad you found that web site.

Anonymous said...

6 WEEKS AGO I WAS ON A BOAT HOLIDAY ON THE BROADS,WE HAD A electrical storm one night and the following morning in the corner of the broad were we had been fishing the night beforewe found 7 dead bream to 6lb AND 3 CARP BETWEEN 8 AND 12lbs we thoughtit was our fault due to the heavy ground baiting we had done,but an hour later a local came by in a smallboat and netted all the dead fish,we ask him what caused the deaths and he said didnt you see or here the lightning last night.(something you dont think about,)